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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Castanho Silva, Bruno, Lennart Schürmann, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2024. "Modulation of Democracy: Partisan Communication During and After Election Campaigns", British Journal of Political Science, 54(2):339-354.
- Duell, Dominik, Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan B. Slapin, and Christopher Wratil. 2024. "The Rhyme and Reason of Rebel Support: Exploring European Voters' Attitudes Towards Dissident MPs", Political Science Research and Methods, 12(2): 301-317.
- Müller, Stefan and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2023. "Nostalgia in European Party Politics: A Text-Based Measurement Approach", British Journal of Political Science.
- Sebök, Miklós, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Christian Rauh, Péter Visnovitz, Gergö Balázs, and Jan Schwalbach. 2023. "Comparative European legislative research in the age of large-scale computational text analysis: A review article". International Political Science Review,
- Wratil, Christopher, Jens Wäckerle, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2023. "Government Rhetoric and the Representation of Public Opinion in International Negotiations", American Political Science Review, 117(3): 1105-1122.
- Duell, Dominik, Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil. 2023. "Communicating the Rift: Voter Perceptions of Intra-Party Dissent in Parliaments", Journal of Politics, 85(1): 76-91.
- Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2022. "Politicians unleashed? Political communication on Twitter and in parliament in Western Europe." Political Science Research and Methods, 10(4): 776-792 [PDF]
- Castanho Silva, Bruno, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2021. "Fake It 'Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians' Benefit from Twitter Bots." American Political Science Review, 115(1): 316-322 [PDF] [Replication]
- Lindstädt, René, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2020. "When Experts Disagree: Response Aggregation and Its Consequences in Expert Surveys", Political Science Research and Methods [PDF] [Replication] 8(3): 580-588
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver, Christopher Wratil, and Jens Wäckerle. 2019. "Testing the Validity of Automatic Speech Recognition for Political Text Analysis" Political Analysis 27(3):339-359 [PDF] [Replication]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver, Will Lowe, Jens Wäckerle, and Stuart Soroka. 2019. "Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: A New Approach to Measuring Conflict in Legislative Speeches", Legislative Studies Quarterly 44(1): 97-131 [PDF] [Replication] Featured in LSQ's Top Cited Articles
- Angelova, Mariyana, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2016. "Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments: Evidence from Germany", Electoral Studies 43: 133-149
- Lo, James, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2014. “Ideological Clarity in Multi-Party Competition: A New Measure and Test Using Election Manifestos”, British Journal of Political Science. Published online: July 2014. [PDF] [Wordfish Ambiguity Code] [Replication]
- Lo, James, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Thomas Gschwend. 2014. “A Common Left-Right Scale for Voters and Parties in Europe”, Political Analysis 22(2): 205-223. [PDF] [Replication]
- Fortunato, David, Thomas König, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2013. “Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution”, Political Research Quarterly 66(4): 938-951. [PDF] [Replication]
- Jensen, Christian B., Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2013. “Parliamentary Questions, Oversight, and National Opposition Status in the European Parliament”, Legislative Studies Quarterly 38(2): 259-282. [PDF] [Replicaton]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2012. “Institutional Foundations of Legislative Speech”, American Journal of Political Science 56(3): 520-537. [PDF] [Replication]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and James Lo. 2012. “Reflections on the European Integration Dimension”, European Union Politics 13(2): 317-333. [PDF] [Replication]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and James Lo. 2012. “Response to Marks, Steenbergen, and Hooghe”, European Union Politics 13(2): 340-342. [PDF]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver, Jonathan B. Slapin, and Michael Thies. 2011. “Party system dynamics in post-war Japan: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Electoral Pledges”, Electoral Studies 30(1), 114-124. [PDF]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2011. “Parliamentary Questions and Oversight in the European Union”, European Journal of Political Research 50(1), 53-79. [PDF]
- Slapin, Jonathan B. and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2010. “Look Who’s Talking: Parliamentary Debate in the European Union”, European Union Politics 11(3), 333-357. [PDF] [Replication]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2010. “Position Taking in European Parliament Speeches”, British Journal of Political Science 40(3), 587-611. [PDF] [Replication]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2009. “How to Avoid Pitfalls in Statistical Analysis of Political Texts: The Case of Germany”, German Politics 18(3), 323-344. [PDF]
- Slapin, Jonathan B. and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2008. “A Scaling Model For Estimating Time-Series Policy Positions from Texts”, American Journal of Political Science 52(3), 705-722. [PDF] [Wordfish]
- Tsebelis, George and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2007, “The Art of Political Manipulation in the European Convention”, Journal of Common Market Studies 45(1), 157-186. [PDF]
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2006. “Institutions and Coalition Formation: The German Election of 2005”, West European Politics 29(3), 540-559. [PDF]
- König, Thomas and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2006. “Exchanging and Voting in the Council: Endogenizing the Spatial Model of Legislative Politics”, Journal of European Public Policy 13(5), 2006, 647-669. [PDF]
Book Chapters
- Slapin, Jonathan B. and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2021. "Theories and Empirical Applications of Legislative Debate." In: Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Jorge M. Fernandes (eds), The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford University Press.
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver. 2018. "Computergestützte Textanalysen." In: Wagemann C., Goerres A., Siewert M. (eds), Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden [Book Link]
- Slapin, Jonathan B. and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2014. “Words as Data: Content Analysis in Legislative Studies”, In S. Martin, T. Saalfeld, and K. Strom (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Link]
- König, Thomas, Bernd Luig, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2010. Measuring Policy Positions of Veto Players in Parliamentary Democracies”, in König/Tsebelis/Debus (eds), Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision Making in Modern Democracies, Springer Press, 69-98. [Book Link]
- König, Thomas and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2006. “A Procedural Exchange Model of EU Legislative Politics”, in R. Thomson, F. N. Stokman, C. Achen and T. König (eds), The European Union Decides, Cambridge University Press, 211-238. [Book Link]
Book Reviews
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver. 2023. "Book Review: The Language(s) of Politics: Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union by Nils Ringe, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2022." Redescriptions.
- Slapin, Jonathan B. and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2017. "Party Discipline in the US House of Representatives. By Pearson Kathryn. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015. 224p. $70.00." Perspectives on Politics 15 (1), 201-203.
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver and Jonathan B. Slapin. "Response to Kathryn Pearson’s Review of The Politics of Parliamentary Debate: Parties, Rebels and Representation." Perspectives on Politics 15 (1), 200-201
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver. 2013. “Review of Platform or Personality? The Role of Party Leaders in Elections, by Amanda Bittner. Oxford: Oxford University Press.” Perspectives on Politics 11(3), 967-969. [PDF]